16 December last year was me and my twinsisters 30 birthday!!
We had a lagre party in our hometown Trondheim. It was about 45-50 pepole who was celebrating our big day!
So for everyone who didnt make it, here are some picktures.....
We had a lagre party in our hometown Trondheim. It was about 45-50 pepole who was celebrating our big day!
So for everyone who didnt make it, here are some picktures.....

9 kommentarer:
Oh my god we dont even get that drunk in Ireland these days, I dont think I have ever seen Oyvind look so "blotto" before in all the years have known him, maybe he was tired lol
Your only 30 once ;-)
Hei Annamor!
Det må jeg si, dette var en aldeles nydelig flott fest!
Klem Mali
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