It`s summer!
Yesterday I was going to the beach. In Oslo we have a lot of different beaches, in different places in and outside of the city. One of my favorits are on the islands in oslofjorden. Hovedøya (The main island) It`s a very nice island, whit ruins, beaches-rocky & sandy....
Where is my Converse???

The sea is still cold, but since I all ready was on the beach, I just have to take a swim...

4 kommentarer:
Heh. Catie would agree with you. She went to Ladebukta today with barnehage and told me that her feet went swimming! ;)
Gah, not Ladebukta, but Ringvebukta. Anyways...still swimming feet!
hmm that photo aint the same without the converse. You should start a photoblog with you converse in strange locations so just pics of your converse here, your converse there etc. That would be funny.
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